• E-mail: acressiding@gmail.com
  • Hours: Mon-Fri: 8.00 am - 6.00 pm
  • (816) 880-9922 | (913) 906-8555

All Acres Roofing offers a wide varienty of roofing types and while our most popular roof type is the asphalt shingles we all grew up with todays market offers a variety of roofing materials to choose from that can vastly change the appearance, curb appeal and value of your home. These products include durable metal and composite shingles that mimic many different types of roof

WE have a good working relationship with many of the home owners insurance companies and adjusters working in the area and we know how to work with your insurance company to arrive at a solution for you. If you think you have roof damage give us a call at (816)880-9922 and we will send a roofing specialist to assess the damage and determine if you need to contact your insurance company .

Our Insurance Claim Process

  • 1

    Act on the suspicion

    If you suspect you may have hail or other weather related damage simply pick up the phone and contact All Acres Roofing at (816)746-0075. We will send an experienced technician to your home to do a thorough inspection of your roof, gutters and any other affected areas

  • 2

    File a claim

    If we determine that you have weather related damage we will advise you in filing a claim with your homeowners insurance agent.

  • 3

    Insurance Review

    Your agent will pass your claim along to a regional adjuster who will contact you to schedule an appointment to do the inspection and damage appraisal.

  • 4

    Schedule the Inspection

    The adjuster will contact you to schedule an appointment to do the inspection and damage appraisal. Once you have scheduled this inspection (or advised your adjuster to contact us to make the appointment) simply contact us with the time and date of the appointment.

  • 5

    Advocate for your property

    All Acres Roofing will send a representative to be sure that the appraiser takes note of any and all damage to your property . Remember, it is very important that we be there to represent you during this appointment.

  • 6

    Review the insurance report

    The adjuster will send you paperwork explaining what damages are covered. Contact All Acres Roofing before signing so that we can verify that the damages have been fairly evaluated

  • 7

    Plan your repairs

    Sign our contract for repair, select all shingle, gutter, paint colors and other necessary materials for the job and set a date for repairs

  • 8

    Handle initial payment

    When you receive the first check from your insurance agent deposit it in your checking account. When that check clears you will write us a check for that amount plus any deductible that may apply.

  • 9

    Finalize the Process

    When the work is all completed to your satisfaction we will assist you in completing the paperwork necessary for your adjuster to release any held back deprecation money

  • 10

    Complete Payment

    Once you receive the depreciation check you will deposit it into your account and when it clears write us a check for an identical amount

  • 11


    Enjoy your new roof!

ROOFING Services

  • Metal Roof
  • Wood Shake
  • Monoco Shingles
  • Lifetime Shingles
  • Architectural Shingle
  • Windows
  • Siding
  • Guttering

Stone Coated Metal

Looks like shingle.


Metal Roof




SHINGLE ! (looks like tile)



SHINGLE ! (looks like tile).


Grand Canyon

Lifetime shingle


Lifetime Shingle

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